Wednesday 1 February 2012

Graffiti lecture

A lecture the other day got me thinking, why do artists create? is it for them selves? or for fame and money? Most artists we know or hear about are because they are 'famous,' but what about the ones who have great work but haven't 'made it big' yet? are they getting the gratitude they deserve? The answer is no they are not.

Our lecture was on graffiti, a talent that gets both bad and good feed back and from an artist myself i feel that everyone should get their place in the spot light thats why i was slightly annoyed that the name Banksy cropped up in our lecture but not Blek la rat, the godfather of stencil art. (A Parisian artist born in 1952.)
Blek la rat
I watched a documentary in august which was very eye opening about the world of graffiti and it appears there are alot of white lies that have been told. I found that Banksy isnt what he appears to be and that his work is uncannily similar to Blek la rats. Coincidence?
I recommend that you watch this documentary 'graffiti wars' which is linked below.
Banksys sudden rise to fame attracted allot of people to his work, his name was known everywhere and people fell in love with him. That's why i was so devastated that he wasn't 100% truthful about where his inspiration for his work came from. His work is very similar to Blek la rats, a hard working artist got blocked out of the spot light by someone pretending to be something they are not just to help their pockets. I think that Blek la rat seems to be in the graffiti business for the right reasons, because he enjoys it, not to pocket from it as he has never forced his work upon us all.

I feel that Blek la rats work needs to be shown to the world so he can get some gratification about his work, so he knows that people know the truth and that he knows we all appreciate his work.
If this was fashion it would be splashed all over the papers! Imagine a channel suit being copied with just a slight detail being changed! Their would be an uproar of angry fashionistas! There is no doubt about that!
Banksy and Blek la rat are both amazing artists but because of the dispute between these two im afraid Banksy is made the bad guy and like marmite you either love him or you hate him.

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